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Morning drop off

Without the gift of ubiquity, it's hard to get your child to school when you have to be at work. Fortunately, our “morning drop off” solution is there for you!

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Waking up gently

7:30 a.m.: You leave the house to go to work. This is also the time when your little one opens one eye, because it's time to go to school. Your nanny is there to give them their breakfast and remind them to put on a coat even if “oh look at the sun outside!”.


Getting the day off to a good start

After a nice breakfast, your nanny is there to make the morning routine fun. A song to brush their teeth, a game to get dressed while learning independence, a speed contest to get their shoes on first. Everything is a pretext for having fun while making progress towards the door.


Going to school safely

With his nanny, your little one makes the journey to school in complete safety. Securely fastened in the stroller or holding on tight to your nanny’s hand, it's time to learn to respect the essential rules: “Always look before crossing the road, and always hold on tightly.

8.20am, the doors open! Time to meet up with friends (and the teacher!) 


Budget example for childcare in French

Arthur (4yrs) and Éloïse (6yrs) have a nanny who comes to look after them for 20 hours a month after school. Together they have amazing afternoons!


Monthly budget of Arthur and Éloise’s parents Paris 18th arrondissement

20h/month x €28,70 incl. VAT€574,00

(€26,09 HT) (1)(€521,82 HT)

Assistance from CAF/MSA(2)- €350.40

Monthly cost before tax credit (VAT included)€223.60

Tax credit (3)- €111.80

Monthly cost including tax after tax credit€111.80

Net cost per hour of childcare€5.59


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Take advantage of our local agencies to advise you in your search for childcare.

Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

01 83 95 41 74
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That’s what you said!

  • Inès, mother of Sofiane - 4 years old

    • French childcare

    “With my hospital schedule, I can start very early and it's impossible for me to take Sofiane to kindergarten. Manon arrives at 7:45, while he's eating his cereal, and takes him to school, a 10-minute walk away. Ideal for us”.

  • Farid, father of Léo - 20 months old

    • French childcare

    “Unfortunately, the daycare doesn't open early enough for my staggered schedule. Our little prince usually finishes his bottle when his nanny rings the doorbell. They play for a while, then hop in the stroller and head for the nursery."

  • Aurélie, mom of Éloïse - 3 years old

    • French childcare

    “Pregnant with my second child, I don't have the energy to take my little one to nursery school. Her nanny was willing to come in the morning too. It was a real relief for me and as Éloïse adores her, everyone wins!”

  • Louise, mom of Emma and Jules - 4 years old

    • French childcare

    “My workplace is the exact opposite of the twins' school. As my husband already provides evening care, we hired a nanny for the mornings. This daily organization allows us to enjoy the children more.”

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