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Daycare pick up

Are you one of the lucky ones to have been offered a place in a day care? That's great! But the question soon arises: “Who's going to pick up my child at the end of the day?". You will be delighted and reassured by our daycare pick up solution! 

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No more stress!

As soon as your little one turns 1, you can count on a Momji nanny. Whether your child is cared for in English or French, you nanny will take over safely from the day care until you return at the end of the day. Following your instructions, she takes care of everything: changing, bathing, playing, eating...


English for toddlers

Choosing an English-speaking nanny gives your child the opportunity to discover the musicality of this beautiful language from an early age. With nursery rhymes and lullabies, your child is immersed in a pool of English. With all their senses awakened, they will naturally absorb a new language from their nanny.


A gentle end to the day

Between the ages of 1 and 3, your little one is learning lots of things: walking, running, expressing themself... Whether in French or English, when they come home in the evening, your whild will enjoy a quiet time with his nanny. Whether it's playing with play dough or reading a story before bath time, the activities change according to your little one's needs. The most important thing is that they’re happy.


Budget example for childcare in English

Alice (3) and Gabriel (5) have a nanny who looks after them 20 hours a month after school. She introduces them smoothly to English using activities adapted to their age.

Monthly budget of Alice and Gabriel's parents Paris 14th arrondissement

20h/month x 35.78 € incl. VAT€694

(32.53 € HT) (1)(630.81 € HT)

Assistance from CAF/MSA(2)- €350.40

Monthly cost before tax credit€343.60 VAT included

Tax credit (3)- €171.80

Monthly cost including tax after tax credit€171.80

Net cost per hour of childcare€8.59


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Monday to Friday from 09:00 AM to 06:00 PM

01 83 95 41 74
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That’s what you said!

  • Lilly and Greg, parents of Max - 12 months old

    • English childcare

    “Both my partner and I are American and have spoken English to Max since he was born. However, he now goes to a French nursery. So having an English-speaking nanny is ideal. It allows us to ensure our son's bilingualism.”

  • Habiba, mother of Ayah - 18 months old

    • French childcare

    “I'm very happy to have had a place in a crèche, but I didn't want Ayah to have long days. Her Momji nanny picks her up at 4.30pm and looks after her until I return at 7pm. Just the time for stories and cuddles!”

  • Amandine, mom of Margot - 2 years old

    • French childcare

    “It's never too early to start learning English, I think. In any case, my daughter loves it when her nanny sings Itsy Bitsy Spider or Five little monkeys jumping on the bed. Her hearing is getting used to new sounds, so it's great.”

  • Delphine, mom of Lou - 15 months old

    • French childcare

    “I tried to get to the crèche by 6pm but I could never get there in time. So instead of being stressed every day and running out of patience with Lou, her nanny takes over. That way, when I come home in the evening, everyone's zen!”

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